Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Categorizing Yugi-Tubers. ...As Harem Girls


(Take the article with a grain of salt. It's written for fun, and I'm completely biased. I will only include the ones I have personally watched for some time.)

At times sweet, at times barely in the plot to fill the harem quota, the imouto is a soft hit or miss. Team APS rely a lot on their humor, and for me, most of their jokes miss. The lack of good video editing is certainly not helping. I'm not saying I don't like the guys, I can certainly appreciate the effort and their love for the game, I'm just saying that if I wanna listen to Yugitubers while working, they are unlikely to be my first pick. There is certainly room for improvements but there can be improvements. I'm looking forward to how they evolve their editing and humor in 2-3 years.

Yeah, you know which one we're talking about: She probably had more screentime than she should have as an antagonist, then the mangaka got greedy and decided to keep her in the harem for the second arc, but he wasn't quite sure what to do with her, so she's just in the background taking space. I'll be honest: I don't like the guy. He has stated before that he does not like the game (I believe he tried to switch to Overwatch completely, but it didn't work out). He is also pretty snob about it, dismissing anything not meta. Somehow I only see folks who I had already considered idiots use Slaydra as a point of reference for their beliefs (and not just once or twice).

She's over the top, she's full of energy and she brightens your day. The non-stop cheerfulness might get a bit tiring every now and then, but she is still lovable. While she might not get the "best girl" title anytime soon, you'd be sad to see her go and she is an essential part of the harem. Bonus: The man can appreciate anime titties.

Usually blonde, somewhat unemotional or alternatively part of high society and amongst the MC's favourites. She is certainly graceful. While Cimooooo's content is not exactly my cup of tea, I can see the appeal.

The one that understands/teases the MC the most, and makes jokes all the time, probably green-haired and either highly athletic, or some scientist-type (with the lab coat and all). Farfa has gotten subtly snobbish over time which has lowered the appeal for me, but he is still pleasant to watch. Bonus: Good video editing. He gets humor.

Probably white-haired, the rest of the details vary. Depending on the writer, the emotionless one either gets the best girl title or is there just to fill the quota, with no inbetween, and unfortunately, TheDuelLogs is closer to the second one. The lack of passion in his voice acting and his relatively lacking knowledge of the card pool and even the anime from which he has taken his avatar make him lose plenty of points for me.

Low energy, gets flustered a lot, wears glasses, either has small pigtails or the ponytail of death. In any other genre she would be the one that will be killed for shock value. Probably speaks in either a really low voice or a very high pitch that gets annoying after a while (in Dzeeff's case it's the first one). For me Dzeeff is "too" low energy. Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate the thought he puts in his videos, but I don't believe he has the charisma to keep people coming back fanatically. Still good in small doses, like, once every 3 weeks or so.

Tsunderes are notoriously difficult to write properly. More often than not, writers end up botching them and making them dumb and unlikable. When written properly though, they blow out the competition so hard they become best girl with the greatest of ease. Dp's critique of the game is the harshest, but I also believe he is the one that loves it the most (except maybe for Cap, but they have a very different appeal). Bonus 1: Masterful use of memes/clips. Bonus 2: The man can appreciate anime booty.

It is... Doubtful that the trap is the mangaka's favourite, but they do know there is an audience for it. The problem with characters that are not written with the hornies love is that they are a bit underwhelming, even if done by master writers. Probably low energy, and getting sidelined by the loli. Please don't shoot me for this, but I think Rata is overrated. Before the molovs get thrown, let me be clear: I don't hate the guy, I just think his humor hasn't matured yet.

Disclaimer: Unrelated to our youtubers, I am of the firm belief that in a good harem anime, you have a hard time choosing best girl because all of them are likable. "Rascal does not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai", "Nisekoi", "Monogatari" series and "Haganai" are some great ones off the top of my head, even if 2/4ths of them are trashy, I don't care, I loved that sh!t.

Disclaimer 2: Contrary to my description for the loli's role in Cap's paragraph, I consider Shinobou the best girl of Monogatari.

-Do you know what would make the world a happier place?
-Peace? Solutions to the environmental issues? Solving hunger internationally?
-More spankings, exactly.


  1. How many goddamn yugioh spanking pics do you *have*?

    1. As many as I can find. If I run out, I might order new ones.
